What Having “Vision” Means to Me

What Having "Vision" Means to Me Helen Keller was wise beyond her time.  This quote speaks volumes.  I am a big believer in mindset and perspective.  The way you see the world and your place in it vastly impacts your life experience.  We all can visually see, of course.  But, having vision is a whole

Are Energy Drinks Bad For You? Find out the Truth!

 Remembering the Past If I were to ask you about your first exposure to an energy drink, you could probably describe it in vivid detail.  You might even remember the first time you drank an energy drink.  I can remember my very first energy drink like it was yesterday.  It was during the summer between my

Overcoming Overwhelm: 7 Strategies to Manage Overwhelming Moments

The Experience of Overwhelm Today, I am overwhelmed.  This overwhelming feeling is fueling my anxiety to the max.  There is so much to do, but not enough time. My to do list is staring me in the face, half way done. These tasks range from mundane every day to professional projects.  They include grocery shopping,

Drink These 7 Beverages to Maximize your Health & Wellness

We all Love to Drink We all love drinks.  They are awesome on so many levels.  Drinking fluids offer refreshment, taste, enjoyment, and hydration.  Drinks come in infinite shapes, colors, and flavors.  Our options are endless.  However, our drink options do not come without a cost. Many drinks taste fantastic because they contain sugars and

Democles: The White Wolf: A Short Story

Why A Short Story? You could probably tell that this is not what I typically publish. I recently participated in a community wiring challenge.  Each individual was asked to write a fictional short story around 5000 words in 2 weeks.  I joined to have some fun and practice my writing skills. Below is the story

Do this to Change your Outlook During the Pandemic

A New Quarantine Way of Life We are no doubt going through an unprecedented time right now. Probably none of us have ever lived through a pandemic.  Covid-19 has not only influenced our day to day lives, but also the economy and job market.  Many business have been forced to halt operations and lay off

Gain a Healthy Body by Thinking about the Sea

A Different Time Consider a more simple time long ago.  Go back to a time when technology was not even thought up yet.  Go back to a time when social media did not exist.  Way back before we had highways or skyscrapers.  Transportation was limited to only boats or horses.  Leaving the town you lived

Thrive Right Now with These Tips

Sometimes even to live is an act of courage. -Sencea All living things contain a measure of madness that moves them in strange, sometimes inexplicable ways. This madness can be saving; it is part and parcel of the ability to adapt. Without it, no species would survive.  -Yann Martel, Life of Pie My mission in

Life is Disrupted, Not Over

The State of Affairs Today marks the beginning of a two week mandatory “Stay at Home” period. Ohio government officials instituted this mandate to limit the spreading of the Coronavirus in Ohio. Residents are expected to stay at home and minimize going out unless the intent is to: Purchase living necessities such as groceries or

A Story of a Stone: How Challenges Refine and Change Us

How would your life be different if you became open to new information that can refine, improve, enhance your way of thinking, and empower your way of living? -Steve Maraboli Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. -African Proverb Only through trials and tests of life is your true character developed, perfected and revealed just

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