The State of Affairs

Today marks the beginning of a two week mandatory “Stay at Home” period. Ohio government officials instituted this mandate to limit the spreading of the Coronavirus in Ohio. Residents are expected to stay at home and minimize going out unless the intent is to:
  1. Purchase living necessities such as groceries or medication
  2. Get some fresh air outside while keeping a healthy social distance from others
  3. Take care of family members and friends
One would expect that the stores and roads would be deserted.  This afternoon, i took a walk down State Road in Parma, OH.  This main road is typically busy with traffic.  Many small businesses and community residents call State Road home.  As I walked, I observed my surroundings.  Firstly, traffic seemed normal and possibly busier than normal.  Many people were out and about walking.  I would estimate about 50% of the small businesses were open.  During the time I walked, the world seemed pretty normal.

How You Can Respond

It can be pretty easy to get caught up in the disruptions this virus has created.  All entertainment venues and social gatherings have screeched to a halt.  Churches have cancelled services for a few weeks.  Restaurants have been reduced to take out only.  We can very easily be upset and thrown off because of these changes.  We can panic and think this is the beginning of the end.  Or, we can recognize this as a time to shift our focus as a people and country.  I encourage that during this time you:
  • Aim to be kind and compassionate of others
  • Appreciate all those who serve you throughout your day, especially nurses, grocery store clerks, restaurant employees, and government program workers
  • Stay connected with your friends and family. Call them just because you are thinking of them
  • Support small businesses, especially the ones your family and friends operate
  • Get outside and enjoy the outdoors
  • Stay active and eat well
  • Practice frugal spending and limit frivolous buys
  • Learn a new skill or topic
  • The time to be quiet and reflective
  • Read books you enjoy
Did I miss anything else?

Will You Step Up?

It may seem like the world’s coming to an end.  In reality, our lives will make a pivot through this pandemic and will be changed once we exit this time period. And, WE WILL GET OUT OF IT.  Our nation and the world have been through worse crisis.  We have persevered through all of them and society continues to operate.  This is just one period in our long history where our lifestyles strayed from “normal.”

We get to decide the outcome of this pandemic.  We not only determine how far and fast this virus spreads, but also the end product of this time and situation.  we have more control than we know in the outcome.  But, IT STARTS NOW. Beliefs and behaviors create the state of affairs in large groups of people.  If we make efforts that support others and our own well being, our culture and society will change for the better.  When we work to better those deep beliefs and consistent habits, we will determine the result.  It’s our call.  How are you making the best of the situation?


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