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“In life you either need inspiration or desperation” -Tony Robbins
“In 1995 I had $7 bucks in my pocket and knew two things: I’m broke as hell and one day I won’t be.” – Dwayne Johnson
“I don’t think human beings learn anything without desperation. Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything or creating anything. Period. If you ain’t desperate at some point, you ain’t interesting.” – Jim Carrey

You and I have been there before.  In fact, we all find ourselves in “hopeless” situations.  You know what I am talking about. We have a goal. We take steps and work toward that goal.  Something, or even several things, happen that move us away from our goal.  We begin to think we will not make it to ur destination.  We get frustrated, angry, or maybe downright depressed the we are putting in the work and not getting what we hope for.

In this time where anything is accessible through a click, it’s easy to begin believing everything is easy.  We will not meet obstacles while working toward our goals.  Why would they?  Most of our lives are easy to us.  However, many goals and things we really want tend to be challenging or difficult to gain.  When we become sensitized to easy situations, we expect things to come easy without a fight.  When our expectations are not met, we grow frustrated, angry, or even hopeless at ourselves or the goal itself.  These feelings make it easy to give up and stop working to what we wanted at first.

However, it is crucial to step back and take another look at where you are.  Assess the situation.  Are there other factors that are hindering your progress?  Are there steps you may have missed?  Or, is there an obstacle separating you from your destination?  For whatever reason, choose to HARNESS your feelings, beliefs, or attitudes around your obstacle(s).  Instead of letting them defeat you, allow them to fuel you to change your approach or KEEP GOING!  You got this! As Always, Eat Move, and Improve!
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