Dear Licorice,
I am writing you today with some bad news.  You’re not going to like it.  For reasons I will explain below, I want to break up with you.  I am sorry that it has to come to this, but starting today, we are done.
Your colorful, playful, and sweet.  We cannot argue that.  I cherish our times together.  You bring me so much glee and comfort when you come around.  At the movies or at home, you’re there for me when I need you.  You don’t change and always bring me so much excitement when we get together.
Unfortunately, the after effects are not as desirable.  You leave me with a bitter taste in my mouth.  I never get enough of you.  You don’t fill me up.  I am always hungry after spending time with you.  My high expectations are never satisfied once you give me what you have to offer.
I am truly sorry for this, but I suggest we don’t see each other as much anymore.  I will gladly say hello every once in awhile if I see you around.  But, I will not actively spend time with you anymore.  I can’t afford for you to leave me empty and unsatisfied anymore.  I am sorry for this, but I wish you all the best!
Sincerely, over you
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