The other day, I was thinking about the saying “Use it Or Lose it”. Millions of people in the U.S. are attempting to lose weight.  So, I propose this new saying: “Use it TO Lose It”.  Contrary to popular belief, weight loss comes out of losing FAT.  Therefore, it is essential to build habits and train your body to burn body fat.  Fat is necessary in our bodies for structure & other functions.  Our bodies store extra fat that we eat and do not use.  So, we need to train our bodies to use the stored fat as energy.  How does one do that? Healthy eating and exercise!  Here are some tips to begin burning that fat!


  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat healthy fats- nuts, seeds, & oils
  • Eat more fibrous foods- fruits, vegetables, & whole grains
  • Limit foods high in sugars & saturated fats
  • Eat more protein- lean meats, dairy, and eggs

Also, exercise!  Certain exercises utilize fat more than others:

  • High intensity interval training
  • Weight lifting
  • Alternating between sprints & jogging.

These exercises can be tough just staring out, so do what you can.  it’s better than doing nothing at all!  

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