I went for a run this morning.  I set a goal for 40 minutes.  The weather seemed decent when I left; cloudy and cool.  But, halfway through my run, the humidity got to me.  It was tough to breath.  I had sweat in my eyes and I was heating up. Plus, my route was really hilly.  I knees were getting sore. Doubts swam through my mind.  

Despite these difficulties, I finished my run.  I wasn’t satisfied with my performance, but I I’m glad I went out and did it.  I learned that I will have days like this.  I learned that I need to push myself, but give myself a break sometimes.  There is a grey area between risking injury and pushing your body.  You need to be honest with yourself.  Promise that the next workout with be better.  The main thing is that I got out there and did it.  It wasn’t my best.  But, I got out there and moved.

Today, I challenge you.  Take some time and MOVE.  Yes, it will be difficult.  Yes, you will have doubts.  But, you will get better from it.  I cannot promise you when, but I guarantee you WILL, with time.

Go after it!

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