“Core strength is key to everything. it’s not the way I look, but about stabilizing my body so I can perform better on stage” -Paul Stanley

“But if I keep my core and back strong, the scoliosis does not bother me” -Usain Bolt

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.’ -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Everyone is different. We have unique nutritional needs and wants. Some people function well on low carb, low fat diets. Others function well on low fiber vegetarian diets. Some people have extreme allergies and need to avoid certain foods altogether. Some people need to lose weight while others need to gain weight. You get the picture.  But, we all want the same thing.  We all want that strong and sexy core.  We want that “perfect” body with hard muscles and curves.  We want those formed, rock hard abdominals and obliques.  To get there, each person needs to follow certain “common core” practices to stay healthy, well, and improve their bodies. First, Each and every one of us needs to feed our bodies with certain, necessary nutrients:

  • Low fat protein for strength and healing
  • Whole grain carbohydrates for long lasting energy
  • Fruits and vegetables for vitamins and minerals
  • Dairy for healthy bones
  • Healthy fats for maintenance
  • Water or low calorie fluids to stay hydrated

Consider these principles as well when choosing your foods:

  • No one food is good or bad. We create our personal beliefs about foods and humanize them from our experiences and thoughts around them.
  • Moderation is key. Small & irregular desserts & snacks are OK.
  • Choose to eat high quality foods to satisfy hunger and nutritional needs. Do your best to avoid eating out of boredom or emotions.
  • High quality foods and calories will almost always create better health than low quality foods and calories.
  • Preparing foods at home will be more healthy than eating out most of the time.
  • Consistent portion sizes are key. Appropriate portion sizes of foods will help you get to a healthy weight and keep your body working well.
  • Exercise will make your body strong and get you to a healthy weight over time.

Of course, this is a short list of core principles toward a balanced, healthy meal plan. Consult a dietitian and personal trainer to find realistic food practices for you. As Always, Eat, Move, and Improve!

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