“Beer is made by men, wine by God.”  – Martin Luther

“Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverages.”  – Lewis Pasteu

I used to never be a wine drinker. For awhile, I used to think it was gross.  Sour grape juice?  No thanks.  Give me a beer instead.  Some wines are served warm?! No thanks.  I want something cold. It never used to be something I reached for when given the choice.

Lately, something has changed.  I have found that I do enjoy wine!  To me, it was an acquired taste.  It didn’t seem attractive at first.  After trying it a few times, I have found that I have certain preferences.  Wine tastes great!  It is best especially in certain situations or with certain foods.  For instance, I enjoy red wine while relaxing at home in front of a house fire.  I enjoy white wine with dinners including fish or chicken.

Wine can be a great addition to your diet. Wine has many positive attributes to it.  For some people, it relies them.  Red wine has been seen to help protect against cancer.  It does contain some vitamins and minerals to promote wellness.  However, remember this: wine is still alcohol.  Actually, it is high in alcohol- about %12-15! If you chose to enjoy wine, make sure you do responsibly: only 1-2 glasses at a time. In this way, you will reap the benefits while not getting drunk or increasing your waistline.  Cheers!  As Always, Eat, Move, Improve!

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