“You’re either headed to a storm, in a storm, or going out of one” -Eric Thomas
“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning how to dance in the rain” -Vivian Greene
“Its stormy now but the sun’s gonna shine again
Even the worst storms gotta end
We’re better if we weather it all “
 -Storms by Hedley
One lesson I have learned in the past year is that everyone has challenges.  Obstacles in every shape and form develop as we try to achieve our goals.  However, these challenges are not there to scare us away or stop us.  They are there to strengthen our resolve.  How we handle these challenges is what matters most.  Our decisions will move us toward or away our goal.  Therefore, it is important to consider and determine the steps we take in the face of challenges.
For example, I received a call a few weeks ago from a larger account that my team and I call on.  Without warning, they had decided to stop any representative activity in their clinics.  That includes major opportunities to help their staff and patients with samples, education, and resources.  I could have easily grown angry and threw my hands up in frustration.  However, I see this as an obstacle to overcome.  At this point, my team and I are planing to find other ways we can regain access or influence our customs in other ways.  Since then, we have found out that we can still help them in some ways.  Therefore, the obstacles are not as bad as we thought they would be!
When it comes to nutrition, fitness, and behavior change, obstacles occur all the time,  Remember, they are not there to scare you away. These challenges strengthen you and prepare you for more challenges down the road.  Consider you are looking to exercise consistently by running outside.  What happens if it rains on the day you have a run planned?  Most people would wait for a better day.  What if it rains four days straight?  Then, the rain becomes an excuse for not exercising.  Instead, understand that the rain is an obstacle and look for another way to get your exercise in.  You can choose to go to a gym or do a workout at home.  OR, consider that you have young children and all they want is unhealthy food.  Some parents may give in and cook unhealthy foods for the whole family.  Instead, it is important to stick to your guns and cook what you know will be healthy for everyone.  The children will grow to know how to eat well despite not getting what they want all the time.
In conclusion, storms happen in life.  I have outlined some insignificant storms that can occur.  There are many other worse challenging situations people find themselves in.  Whatever challenge you find yourself against, remember that there are there to make you better, not bitter. It is critical to face challenges head on with enthusiasm and confidence.  You will be glad you did!  As Always, Eat Move, and Improve!  
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