This past week, I have been thinking alot about the term role model.  A role model can be defined as “a person whose behavior, example, or success, can be emulated by others, especially by younger people” (  Having a role model is essential in reaching your goals and dreams.  

Why is having a role model important? These people that you emulate can be used as examples and inspirations in your own choices and path in life.  They show you the way and give you advice on how to reach those goals.  They prove to you that your goals are real and achievable.  

Who can you claim as a role model?  It can be anyone, anywhere.  It can be a celebrity, or a friend.  It would be anyone you admire and aspire to be like.  

I have several role models.  My dad for one.  He’s my best friend and the man I would like to be one day.  I also admire life coach and CSCS, Chris Powell.  He’s a professional in health, fitness, and nutrition.  And, he inspires and changes his clients every single day.  Although he travels the country and is gone from home for long periods of time, he still finds time to raise and spend time with his family.  I also want to make a shout out to Brian Lebo.  He is a father and a CSCS as well.  He trains student athletes with his own small business.  He has shown me to never give up, even if the situations seem to be against you.    Finally, I would like to mention Susie Akers.  she is an RD?LD at the Metrohealth Hospital System.  She works as a clinical pediatric dietitian and manages a wellness center.  She has taught me that you can create opportunities and connections with just an idea and following through with it.  

So, who are your role models?  Do they inspire you each day to be better?  Do they impact you in a positive or negative way?  Are you a role model to others?  If not now, you will be one day.  make sure you leave a good impression on them!

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