Dear Water,
Hey pal!  How are you?  It’s been a long time!  Seems like forever since I drank you.  I used to drink only healthy fluids out of the fridge including milk, some juice, and of course you!  Oh, how I recall taking long gulps of you ice cold.  You were so refreshing and made me feel so great!
But then, something happened.  All of these new options took my attention away from you.  I was pulled by their attractive packaging and awesome claims.  They came in sweet and sour flavors and had sexy names like “blueberry blast” and “rocket fuel”.  How can I resist?  There are some many options out there.  Why choose one, especially if that one is as basic as you?
I regret to say I made a mistake.  These drinks gave me so much joy and energy in the beginning.  But, they eventually took from me too.  They took away my healthy body and sapped my energy.  I grew jittery and high on sugar.  My waistline kept growing and growing without me realizing it!  I now realize that you were there for me all along.  In fact, I realize now I can flavor you with natural juices and in other ways to make you taste better!  I want your cool, refreshing, clean taste and that way you made me feel again.  Will you come back to me?
Sincerely, I want you back
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