Dear Salt,
What did you do to me?  I am disappointed in you.  You made so many promises to me.  With your savory and satisfying taste, I could’t get enough of you.  You had me hooked.  I found so much pleasure and joy in spending time with you.  On top of that, you were so was to find.  I could find you in processed foods, canned foods, and restaurant foods to name a few.
But, now I know the truth. I know that you are no good for me.  You may taste great, but you do not help me. You take more than you give.  You take my peace of mind away since you cause heart disease.  You raise my blood pressure and make me bloated.  I may need you some, but not as much as I thought.  I want you to know that it’s over.  We’re done.  I am no longer eating foods that contain you or adding you to my meals.  It’s not me, it’s you.
Sincerely, Kicking you to the curb
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