Dear Potato,
I am writing you an apology letter.  I am so sorry about the way that you have been treated.  You have become villainized.  You have been misunderstood.  Through negative publicity, your reputation has been injured.  People say you are terrible for them.  They say you make them fat, get high cholesterol, and get sick.
The real truth is that people don’t treat you right.  They fry you, mash you, butter you up, make you cheesy, or cover you with sour cream.  Your real potential is rarely prized.  Many people focus on the negative results they receive from mistreating you.
The truth is that you are a wonderful gift, potato.  You are such a diverse and versatile food!  You can be sweet, red, golden, and even petite.  You give us baked potatoes, hash browns, cubed potatoes, baked chips, and even vodka!  Seriously, all wonderful gifts to our dinner table.  You should come around more often.  As long as you come as your happy, real self high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and a healthy dose of complex carbs.  See ya soon potato!
Sincerely, a fan
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