Dear Cheeseburger,
Oh cheeseburger, my one and only love.  You are truly a “cheeseburger in paradise”  I love how lucious, savory, and filling you can be.  You get along with so many friends: french fries, chips, potato salad, corn, baked beans, to name a few.  I can dress you up in so many ways.  I can stay ordinary by enjoying you naked, with cheese, or even lettuce, tomato, and onion.  OR, I can enjoy your exotic side with other toppings too many to count!
Even though you are such a wonderful friend, cheeseburger, you have a dark side.  Your meat and toppings don’t help my waistline or heart.  They are both at risk when I choose you.  I only know that it’s a mater of time that you will make me pay big time.
I think it’s time you and I see other people.  You’re not the only grill friendly sandwich meat out there after all!  I am going with my gut here.  I choose from now on to see you every so often.  Instead, I am going to spend more time with turkey burgers, veggie burgers, and even chicken breast.  I’ll be honest, it’s you.  Your benefits just don’t outweigh the risks.  I hope you don’t take it too personally. I am doing this for the both of our well being.
Sincerely, Regretfully breaking up with you
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