Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live”  ~Jim Rohn
“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~Buddha
“If the body be feeble, the mind will not be strong.” ~Thomas Jefferson

Dear Body,
Hello, old friend.  It’s been awhile since I have acknowledged you. Despite having you around all the time, I have been focused on so many distractions and to do’s.  Life got in the way and you have taken the back seat.  I have neglected you more often than not.  It’s not your fault at all.  I just forgot how valuable you are.  It’s about time to say something.

I only have you for one lifetime.  I realize that now.  I haven’t appreciated you enough.  I finally recognize how awesome you are.  You give my life so many possibilities.  Through you, I can see clearly, move independently, speak fluently, breath deeply, and many other things  You work like a machine with so many complex parts.  You are truly amazing.

My actions have hurt you.  I have stuffed myself with tasty food, missed out on exercise, and exposed myself to harmful chemicals.  I didn’t mean to.  I have made rash decisions and forgot who I was affecting.  You don’t deserve that.

I promise, from now on, to treat you well.  I will think of your needs before acting.  I will fuel you with only healthy and natural foods.  I will feed your brain with positive thoughts.  I will move you as much as I can.  I will make you the best you can be!
Sincerely, Me
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