This past month, U.S. News ranked the most popular diets from best to worst.  You can read them here:
Fad diets and special diets are popular for their promises for weight loss and a healthier life.  This is pertinent especially in January when everyone has made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight.  However, some weight loss diets are more effective and safer than others.  Some weight loss diets are just downright wacky.  U.S. News ranked the Dash Diet, the TLC Diet, and the Mediterranean Diet as the best 3.  The worst 3 diets included the Dukan Diet, the Paleo Diet, and the Raw Food Diet.
Still having trouble choosing the correct diet for you?  Want to find out if a diet is a fad diet?  Here are some things to look for to find a fad diet:

  • If the diet promises rapid weight loss
  • If the diet does not recommend exercise
  • If the diet has special rules and regulations
  • If the diet claims to be a “scientific breakthrough”
  • If diet claims tend to be too good to be true

As Always, Trust Your Gut!

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